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Where do you usually purchase the UltraDrape® UGPIV Barrier and Securement?


On average, how many UGPIV procedures using UltraDrape does your team perform each week? 


What departments are currently using UltraDrape UGPIV Barrier and Securement?


In your experience, has UltraDrape UGPIV Barrier and Securement met your expectations? If not, please explain why or how the product could improve.  


How well does the packaging of the UltraDrape UGPIV Barrier and Securement align with your procedural requirements? Would you find it beneficial if the product were included in an IV start kit? 


Are there any changes or improvements you would suggest for UltraDrape UGPIV Barrier and Securement? 


How would you describe your overall experience with the UltraDrape UGPIV Barrier and Securement?  

  • Corporate Headquarters: 4 Sperry Road, Suite 4, Fairfield NJ 07004
  • Tel: 973-276-9500
  • Toll Free: 800-631-8888
  • Fax: 973-276-9510

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